
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day ten: Someone I wish I talked to more

Okay, I'm totally doing these out of order, and I'm skipping the one about my internet friend....because not to be different, but I just think that's dumb. Ahaha! But anyways, sorry that I keep putting the wrong day number before the wrong subject. I'm all confused. BUT! I'm starting at day TEN, and I'm talking about someone that I wish I talked to more than I do.

Alright, I have two people who I will talk about, but I must say that I always think that I don't talk to people enough. So, I would list a ton of people if I had the time....and interest, but these are the top two!

1) Jon Armistead is the first. He's got to be one of my favorite people ever! He's great! I get to see him a good bit, but we never get to talk as much as I would like. I love his company, he's one of the funniest people I know, he's got the most contagious laugh, and we are really alike. It's crazy cool! We will just sit there and laugh at each other for really no reason. It's hilarious. But yes, definitely Jon! I would love to just sit and have a forever long convo with him about life and whatever he's going through. That would make my day!

2) Jade Green! I miss that girl, and I love her so much. We grew up being super great friends, so it's hard for me that we don't talk as much. I really love her, and think she is such a great person. She is such a great listener and such a great Christian. I never had a hard time telling her things and we really complimented each other's personality. I respect her and adore her and her family. Hopefully sometime soon, I can see her and talk to her some. Miss ya Jaba!

And that's about it. What an easy day!


  1. Saw your comment on Ashley's blog and decided to stop by. Will be checking back often to read more. :P

  2. What the crud? I editted something on this, and it re-posted it. OH WELL!
