In our sinful world, there are a lot of lies that go around, penetrating the hearts of those they come in contact with. These lies slowly leak into our souls and become full blown beliefs and sin. The truth is compromised because sin takes root inside us. Only God can crush those lies to pieces, bring us out of bondage to them, and turn us to the truth again. He can do this through His written word, the Bible. By consulting with what the Lord has written to us, we can be reminded of who we are in, through, and before our Savior!
A couple years ago, I read the book, Lies Women Believe by Lancy Leigh DeMoss. It really changed my thinking on some big issues. I don't think I realized how many lies I allowed myself to believe.For instance, the lie "God is not really enough" is one I really struggled with. If someone were to ask me, "Hey, do you believe that God is enough for you?" I'd say "sure" with no hesitation. But taking a step back and examining my heart, I found that I was not living like I believed it. My mind believed it but my heart didn't reflect it. It was powerful! So, I want to go through some of the lies with you in hopes that it will be used in your life like it was in mine.
The first lie I'll go over today is concerning priorities. Most people are fairly busy. Life gets crazy and sometimes we can get to feeling like we are juggling too many things and we are on the brink of going insane. So, we allow certain things to slack. I know for me, when school would get crazy busy and I was consumed with that, I would allow my quiet time with the Lord to slack. That is not okay! We NEED that alone time with God.
That brings me to the lie, "I can make it without consistent time in the Word and prayer." Building a one on one relationship with Christ is so vital to our spiritual growth and maturity. In the intimate time we spend alone with God, examining ourselves and looking at who Christ is, we are able to see our sinfulness more clearly. I believe one on one time with God has been the most powerful in my life. During the time when I'm alone and quiet before the Lord, I can more vividly see Him sanctifying me and showing me how to be more like He is.
Also, I've found that when I'm not soaking in the Lord's Word every day and developing a relationship with him, I easily fall prey to sin and temptation. When I consistently spend time with the Lord, I feel like I have the most epic accountability partner ever! I don't want to sin because I love the Lord. I don't want to disappoint Him. I know that my sin disgusts Him and it's MY SIN that hung Him on the cross. It's so easy to forget the power in His sacrifice, and as sinners, we need a daily reminder. Psalm 119:9, 11 says, "How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word...I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
Nancy Leigh DeMoss says it very well, "If he (Satan) can get us to try to "live the Christian life" without cultivating an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus, he knows we will be spiritually impotent and defeated. If he can get us to do a great many things "for God" without consciously seeking the will of God through His Word and prayer, we may stir up a lot of religious dust, but we won't do Satan's kingdom any real damage."
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