
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Video of a song I wrote called "Smile"

Hey everyone! This is one of the songs I wrote. I would love to hear what everyone thinks and get some pointers and opinions. I want to make an album of all the songs I have written so far, so I need viewers to help me see what I could do to make my songs better. Thanks so much for your time!

I hope you liked it!!!!! *crosses fingers* If you would like to hear some of my others, keep checking back on my blog. I'm hoping to get a couple more of them on here in the next couple weeks. Also, a couple weeks back I posted an audio recording of "I'm here." It should be posted somewhere in March :) Thanks again!


  1. *hyperventilates* Ooooh that was soooo gooood! *squeal* For realz, Becster, that was uh-mazin! :D I love it! Don't you dare throw it out! -_-

  2. I love it! Wow. I had no idea you were so great at singing, Becca! I really, really loved it. A lot. Like....loads. =D

  3. Hey Beccckkkiiikkooo! I love it! I am like singing along. *cracks up* I want to be one of the 1st ones to buy your Cd. K?? Put me down for an order BABE!! ;) Seriously though, I want a copy of your CD when you make it. Love you! Your sis,


  4. Ummmm NO WAY!!!!!! I get first dibs!!!! That was AMAZING BECCS!!!!!

  5. I think its great, and it should be even better when you add the depth of sound a band brings. Good job. whats your youtube user name.

  6. That's so good Jonas!!! :)

  7. @ everyone: Thanks so much for the comments. I am so glad to here that everyone likes it so far. *hides face and squeals*

    @ Daniel: I don't have a Youtube account, but I should get one so I can get WAY more views....*ponders this*

  8. I must say that the guitar really sound bad and takes away from both the song and your voice very much. The tune over all sounds pretty well. You sound a lot like Mandy More at times.

  9. @ Anonymous: Thanks SO much for being awesome. Like I said, I'm not good at guitar, so I'm gonna have someone else play for me when I have the real-deal recorded. I'll work on my own skills though, because I know I have so much improvement.

  10. Haha! I meant to say, "Thanks SO much for being honest." I must have been thinking about talking while I was typing. Come to think of it, I was. Oops.

  11. Love times infinite! This is epic, Becca! You totally remind me of a female Scott Krippayne! (If you don't know who that is, look him up. He's not very famous, but his music is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!) I really like this. Definitely needs some piano in there! Drums, bass...I think it would be amazing! =]

  12. @Ryan: Thanks so much bro! You're encouraging. And I looked up Scott Krippayne...and I'm glad I sound like a girl way :) He's good!

  13. Well, I didn't mean your voice. I was going more along the lines of music and lyrics.

  14. @Miztermuzik: Well I figured that had something to do with it. That's actually what I meant...It has like the same mood and stuff. *smiles*

  15. That was awesome Becca!! I wish I had the song writing skills you have! =]

  16. i love it!! it's amazing just like your other songs! definitely post your other songs! :) it made me smile hearin this. :) make me smile. :)

  17. Hey Aecca,........I LOVED IT.........
    .........SO MUCH!!!!!! I want your Cd!!
    Love you,

  18. *squeals* I loved it!!!! i guess i'll settle for hearing your stuff on here. haha. we should do a CD together, cuz.
