
Monday, March 28, 2011

How well do you know me? Let's find out!

Hey everyone! Check out the new quiz I put together! This is so fun to do. Kinda dumb, but still cool cause it DOES test how well you know your friends. It will surprise you! I just took one about Ashley and got a 50%. Dang, I'm terrible. Anyways, here's a link:

Also, I'm posting it on my actual blog wall, so you can take it by clicking there also! Have a great one! Love to you all!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Why can't you shut up?

Okay, I have been really disturbed lately and this is why. I have noticed a lot of verbal persecution going around. People that I very highly respect will bash someone and then laugh about it! I notice this especially with guys but I know girls can do it too. I just have a question. "Why can't you shut up?" Is it really that hard to hold your tongue? What about this. Just think better of people and maybe the change of mindset would reflect your heart and turn your actions around.

To all guys: Let me tell you something. You want to be the top dawg? Earn it. A real man lefts people up and pushes himself down. It's called humility. An immature person will tear everyone else down trying to pull himself to the top. This is not how God wants you to act. The Bible says in Matthew 20 verse 16, "So the last will be first and the first will be last." The only way you will really be first is if you put yourself before others, love others more than your love yourself, treat others better than you treat yourself, and remember that you're not the only one Christ finds valuable. And another thing.....I don't know about all the other girls, but I respect guys who don't tear each other down. It shows real maturity and also it comes across as being secure in themselves. I don't want to marry a man that has to bash other children of God. That doesn't paint a good picture of how he would treat me. Just sayin! Any guy who has the strength to love others and speak only good to them....that's who I want to spend my life with. Be men! REAL men! Live like Jesus did and lift your brothers up as your strive to be more like Christ.

To the girls: I know that us women can get really caught up in drama and we get caught in the moment and feel like smack talking about someone. I KNOW THIS! I'm a girl and I understand. It's not right though!

Confession: Without even thinking, I will sometimes say something about someone I know, or even a complete stranger, that is totally and completely uncalled for. Nothing but blessing should come from my mouth! I sin every time I say something like that.

As women of God, we need to be loving and nurturing to everyone we come into contact with. Through our love and acceptance, others should be able to see Christ in us. When we say something negative about someone, you know what we are ultimately doing? Bashing ourselves. If we are incomplete without gossip and tearing up others, then we are insecure losers who need to get a grip of God's real love. His love is unconditional. No matter how you act, look, or smell. HELLO! I'm preaching to myself now! Could we just guard our tongue and speak things that will encourage others? God will bless our efforts. Let's try our very best to spread love everywhere we go.

Two verses to finish my thought, before I ramble on and on about it:

"And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell." James 3:6

"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Are you in a clique? I was.

Definition: Clique - a small, exclusive group of people

Confession: I used to be in a major clique.

I'm not scared to admit it. I believe that it happens to all of us and it's such a great thing to recognize and look out for. I always wonder how my life would be if I didn't get involved with a clique. I was in one in high school for like a year or two, and finally got woken up when I was a senior. I thought, "Becca! What are you doing? You don't know anyone anymore." Since then, I have totally changed and the Lord has made such a difference in my friendships and all of my relationships for that matter. I don't think people realize how enslaving it is. I stopped looking for what would benefit MY appearance and started focusing on how I could bless others and make more friends.

Now, I'm not saying that close relationships are a bad thing. I HAVE EM! I have best friends and people that I enjoy hanging out with more than others. I have best friends. That's life, sorry. I don't believe the Lord opposes that. I mean, think of David and Jonathan in the Bible who were SUPER CLOSE and would give their lives for each other. Also, Jesus had a special relationship with one of his 12 disciples. So, I don't believe it's a bad thing. The Lord gives us those friends who stick "closer than a brother" and He will bless those relationships. But there is a fine line.

When our relationships with others keep us from reaching out to anyone BESIDES THEM, there is a problem. There are so many benefits that are available if we will just take a moment to look around us and see who needs to be talked to. Who is alone? Who is always left out?

What can we do about this? As Christians, I believe that we need to be serving others by befriending them and excepting them. What could God do with a group of teens who love everyone and except everyone, no matter how different, quiet, loud, annoying, or freaky they are. Didn't Christ do this? He reached out to every type of person. He loved, even when he was ridiculed for it. If we could come together and be like Christ in this area, we could create a totally different environment in our churches and schools. There wouldn't be any "loners" and there wouldn't be those who feel left out and unwanted.

Confession #2: I have been in situations, (I still experience these) where I have felt like a third wheel. I would stand alone with my sister, and wonder if we should just stay there or if we should try to join a conversation. It's MISERABLE! No one wants to feel that way. I hate it!
So, when I see someone alone in a corner, I think..."What if that was me? Would I like it? No. Becca, go talk to them."

So, you might be I in a clique? Well here are some questions you could ask yourself. I found an article in a magazine that had some questions. I'm gonna re-word them though because they were aimed more towards people with kids. I'm talking more about teens.

1) What holds your friends together as a group? Our lifestyles, families, similarities, hobbies, or is it something more?

2) When a church service is over, do you find yourself migrating toward the same people every time, or are you intentional about talking to others?

3) Are sinful ways of relating to others, such as jealousy or fear, driving any part of my group's dynamics?

4) When was the last time that you included someone new when your group was just hanging out together?

Could we all become watchful for those around us? Could we include others in a "clique" and become a humongous loving community instead? I really believe that God would be glorified.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A recording of one of my songs. Check it!

Here's my song called, "I'm here." I wrote a while back when I was really struggling in life. God was definitely teaching me some things. One of those things being, "Trust me and stop trying to fix everything. I know the plan that I have a for you. Just let me be God." So, this song is based off of that...just talking about how we need to trust God and know that He promises to be with us and keep us safe. Nothing that has happened to us, hasn't been filtered through His loving hands. He loves us and will do the best for us. What an awesome God we serve!!!

This video is a slide show of pictures with verses that I have found to be encouraging. It's amazing how many times God promises that He will be with us and guard us. But just to apologize up front, sorry if the slides move too fast to where you can't read the verses. I'm OCD about the pictures changing with the yep. Hope you enjoy! Please comment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm a loser this I know, but God still loves me...He says so.

Why am I a loser? I will explain: I haven't written on this blog in months. I will give my excuses, but I'm gonna be completely honest with you guys here.

I feel like I have been going through a spiritual desert. A lot has been going on in my life and I have felt far away from God. It started with my prayers. I just felt like they were getting no where and it made me mad. At God? Yes, at God. My family is in shambles and I'm really hurt by that. It's been like this for as long as I can remember and I think I just got fed up with it and started blaming God for keeping it like this. Why can't I embrace the fact that if I got what I deserved, I would burn in Hell for eternity? I don't deserve to approach a Savior so holy, much less be mad at Him for allowing my family to be like this. Why do I feel like I have to be served by God? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Well, on top of all of this, someone was judging my spiritual status by my blog and that has pushed me away from it even more. To all the readers out there. I never want my blog to be a way of rating me in my Christian walk. I mean, it is a good way of seeing what I'm learning but if you ever think, "Wow. She's really on track." Or "Dang, she needs to be saved." Then just stop reading it. I could very well be an ax murdered and make my posts sweet and challenging. And it could be the other way too. I could post empty posts that don't stir you at all, but my heart could be overwhelmed with what God is doing. So, don't gauge my spiritual walk by this. This is a way to encourage you and bring glory to Christ. Not to me. Got it? Get it? Good.

Alright, so that is my update and confession. Please pray for me. I'm doing so much better and the Lord has really awakened me. I still have so much to learn but I'm at peace knowing that God understands everything about me, even when I'm clueless. He knows exactly what has been going on with me and He loves me and my dirty soul. Every time I fail, He forgives me and invites me back into His loving arms. I have no need to fear or doubt. He is using these times to strengthen me and ready me for His work. This is what my post is gonna be about....the Lord making me into something beautiful and worth something.

Now that the intro section is over. I will start my actual post. "I'm a loser, this I know. But God still loves me....He said so." I made this up in a moment of brilliance. Please, no applause.

I am worth absolutely nothing. Neither are you. Don't click out. This is important. Say this to yourself, "I am worth nothing..." Doesn't this make you want to cry? I'm teary right now. I want to be worth something. I want to be valuable and special. But it's true that we are unclean, foul creatures that deserve nothing but the worst of the worst.

Now say this "I am worth nothing....but God...." Now this makes me cry. Without God, there is no hope. There is no joy. There is only sorrow. But WITH GOD, my heart can rest. I can sing and smile because I know that God finds worth in me, even when I'm undeserving. Even when nothing about me is good. GOD, in His perfection, looks at me and smiles, knowing that He has a story up His sleeve. He knows how I'm gonna turn out, and that end product is something to be proud of. Something worth seeing.

I love the mental picture of a piece of gold that's dirty and nasty...needing some major work in order to be worth anything. The refiner's set it in the fire and let it get REAL hot, then they take it out and scrape the impure layer off the top. Then the whole process repeats until the gold it shining and completely pure all the way through. This reminds me of what Christ does for us. He puts us through trials, that might really hurt when we are in the middle of it, but He has a purpose. That purpose is to sanctify us and make us suitable for His kingdom. Now, those trials hurt BAD, but if we cling to the cross, we find our sing being sandblasted away - leaving us shining and refined for HIS GLORY!

Romans 8:18 - "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us."

We shouldn't glorify the trials we suffer through. instead we should glorify the reflection of Christ's face shown when He looks at us. Others should see it in the smile we wear. Isn't that a way to live?

Zechariah 9:16 " On that day, the Lord their God will save them, as the flock of His temple; for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on His land."

I hope that I'm humble enough to let the Lord refine me in the way that would make me most beautiful. He has the power and He sure knows how to use that chisel. I just have to trust Him and remember that my trials aren't happening because God is mad at me or loves to see me cry. Instead, He knows that I need a face lift and the only way that can happen is when I see that He is in control and when I give up the fight. I have to stop resisting. I won't win no matter what. Trials happen for a reason, and God is the only one who knows the reason. When will I let God be God? When will I stop trying to fix my life? When will I realize that I'm digging my own grave by running? Only God can see what I need. Only He can give me my needs. What would me life be like if I never stopped clinging to Him?